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Louisa Page 47

  1 There was more: Due to limited data, estimates of life expectancy before the twentieth century, especially for women, are uncertain and disputed, but best estimates for a white female in the United States between 1830 and 1839 typically have it at around forty. The figure is slightly higher for women who survived childhood. J. David Hacker, “Decennial Life Tables for the White Population of the United States, 1790–1900,” Historical Methods 43 no. 2 (2010): 45–79. Louisa had not planned: LCA to CFA, February 10, 1837, AFP. Had Louisa mentioned: Miller, Arguing About Slavery; Howe, What Hath God Wrought, 512–15. Kenneth S. Greenberg, ed., Nat Turner: A Slave Rebellion in History and Memory (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003). John Quincy was not: Miller, Arguing About Slavery, 206–12; JQA to CFA, December 15, 18–21, 1835, AFP; Michael O’Brien, Henry Adams and the Southern Question (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2005), 161. When they arrived: LCA to CFA, February 10, 1837, AFP. That morning he had: Miller, Arguing About Slavery, 343–48; Joseph Wheelan, Mr. Adams’s Last Crusade: John Quincy Adams’s Extraordinary Post-Presidential Life in Congress (New York: Public Affairs, 2008), 130–33. John Quincy was indeed: Oliver, Portraits of John Quincy Adams and His Wife, vii; Miller, Arguing About Slavery, 297. His wife was different: LCA to CFA, February 10, 1837, AFP. The feeling of a fight: Ibid.; “Diary,” DLCA 2:694; LCA to JQA, November 5, 1840, AFP. For more on Rachel Clark, see LCA to CFA, January 1, 1832, LCA to JQA, May 12, 1837, AFP. Louisa wasn’t afraid: LCA to Mary Hellen Adams, May 30, 1833, AFP; “Diary,” DLCA 2:696. She could imagine: LCA to CFA, February 2, 1838, AFP; “Diary,” DLCA 2:696–97. Unlike most white Americans: Mann, “Slavery Exacts an Impossible Price,” 50–230; LCA to CFA, February 7, 1838, AFP. Even as John Quincy: LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, May 14, 1847, January 29, 1848, AFP. As he had for years: John Quincy Adams, “Misconceptions of Shakespeare upon the Stage,” New-England Magazine 9 (December 1835): 435–40; DJQA, January 25, 1843. If Louisa learned: LCA to CFA, March 19, 1843, AFP; Miller, Arguing About Slavery, 306. 2 At times, she was: LCA to CFA, February 24, 1837, AFP. The ne plus ultra: Zagarri, Revolutionary Backlash, 145. Despite her battle cry: JQA to LCA, September 29, 1837, LCA to CFA, December 27, 1837, AFP. That was another joke: The series of letters “On the Province of Women” was originally published in the New England Spectator and then republished as a pamphlet. Sarah Grimké, Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, and the Condition of Woman (Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1838); Miller, Arguing About Slavery, 315. But when Louisa read: “Diary,” DLCA 2:713–14; LCA to CFA, February 7, 1838, AFP. “Although I have not”: LCA to Sarah Grimké, January 11, 1838, Sarah Grimké to LCA, February 6, 1838, AFP. The interpretation of the equality of the sexes that Louisa had offered to Grimké, in which Adam and Eve were intellectually equal but Eve was spared from labor due to her beauty, came from a reading of Genesis that borrowed from a common interpretation of Milton’s Paradise Lost. Milton’s Eve was a paragon—“Grace was in all her steps. / Heaven in her eye. In every gesture dignity and love”—and the Victorian woman, the angel of the hearth, was her descendant. Louisa tried even to excuse Eve of the fall. It was Adam’s fault, she wrote. His love of Eve had turned into a “Passion” for her, and had led him to sin. In Louisa’s account nowhere does she mention that Eve bit the apple first. Nowhere does she account for Eve’s desires. Grimké replied sympathetically: Sarah Grimké to LCA, August 8, 1838, AFP. So many women: Caroline Frye to LCA, September 24, 1845, Sarah Grimké to LCA, February 6, April 13, April 20, August 8, 1838, AFP. Even Grimké’s response: JQA to LCA, November 15, 1838, AFP. There was no groundswell: Miller, Arguing About Slavery, 317. For women and petitioning, see Susan Zaeske, Signatures of Citizenship: Petitioning, Antislavery, & Women’s Political Identity (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003), and Susan Zaeske, “‘A Nest of Rattlesnakes Let Loose Among Them’: Congressional Debates over Women’s Antislavery Petitions,” in In the Shadow of Freedom, 97–124. It stood to John Quincy: Miller, Arguing About Slavery, 318, 322. When a woman: Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Union, 372. In early September: DJQA, September 3, 1838. What must it have: LCA to CFA, March 26, March 8, 1838, LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, January 12, 1836, AFP. She defended herself: LCA to CFA, May 30, 1841, AFP. Her thoughts about gender: LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, November 27, 1840, August 7, 1846, AFP. Essays like one: Zagarri, Revolutionary Backlash, 16, 170. Nothing less than: LCA to JA2, December 23, 1821, AFP. Where did that leave: Heffron, Louisa Catherine, 333; “Diary,” DLCA 2:732–34. It wasn’t only: “Adventures,” DLCA 1:247, 175. How hard it was: Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Union, 375–76. When she did: JQA to CFA, April 14, 1841, AFP. He must have: LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, April 3, 1841, AFP. She kept to her: “Diary,” DLCA 2:753; “Adventures,” DLCA 1:64; “Diary,” DLCA 2:747. Even as she struggled: “Adventures,” DLCA 1:63–64. On July 1, 1840: Ibid., 355. Many historians and biographers: Quoted in Zaeske, “‘A Nest of Rattlesnakes Let Loose Among Them,’” 109; Bemis, John Quincy Adams and the Union, 7. Louisa’s voice in: LCA to [illegible], April 9, 1849, Everett-Peabody Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society. 3 “Among the many”: LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, January 15, 1844, AFP. It amazed her: LCA to Mary Hellen Adams, January 22, 1847, AFP. Her eyes and voice: LCA to CFA, March 16, 1841, January 8, 1846, AFP. Every New Year’s Day: LCA to CFA, January 2, 1848, AFP. In 1843, Louisa’s: LCA, “Rough Draft of my Will,” October 23, 1843, AFP; Linda K. Kerber, Women of the Republic: Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980), 9. When she needed cash: Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, ed. Ernest Samuels (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974), 16–19; Garry Wills, Henry Adams and the Making of America (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005), 16. Wills convincingly argues that Henry drew on Louisa, as well as his wife, Clover, as a model for the female protagonists of his novels. On July 11, 1847: DJQA, July 30, 1847. Their old quarrels: LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, May 14, 1847, AFP; Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 14. Both of them: DJQA, November 18, 1838. She had felt: “Diary,” DLCA 1:84. The previous November: LCA to Mary Hellen Adams, November 25, 1846, AFP. Louisa sat with him: LCA to Mary Hellen Adams, November 29, 1846, February 3, 1847, AFP. John Quincy knew: DJQA February 11, 1847; “Diary,” DLCA 2:702; LCA to Mary Hellen Adams, December 1, 1846, AFP. The Adams house: Mary Cutts, The Queen of America: Mary Cutts’s Life of Dolley Madison, ed. Catherine Allgor (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2012), 174–75. Louisa had lost: LCA to Abigail Brooks Adams, February 6, 1848, AFP. For political chatter, see, for instance, LCA to CFA, January 13, January 27–February 7, 1848, AFP. On February 21: Kaplan, John Quincy Adams, 568; Wheelan, Mr. Adams’s Last Crusade, 248. By the time: LCA to Harriet Boyd, April 8, 1848, Herbert Battles Tanner Family Papers, 1790–1972, Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division. Louisa spent the next months: “Diary,” DLCA 2:770. She would live: John Adams III to Abigail Brooks Adams, January 11, 1852, AFP. But she looked: Abigail Brooks Adams to CFA, February 27, 1852, Elizabeth C. Adams to CFA, May 6, 1852, Elizabeth C. Adams to Abigail Brooks Adams [ante May 15, 1842], AFP. On May 15: DCFA, May 15–16, 1852, AFP. Louisa’s funeral was: Baltimore Sun, May 19, 1852; National Intelligencer, May 19, 1852. Charles was later: DCFA, May 18, 1852, AFP. That December, her body: DCFA, May 23, 1852, AFP. INDEX

  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader. Adams, Abby (daughter of Thomas), 312, 355 Adams, Abby Brooks (wife of Charles), 363, 375, 387, 397, 448, 450, 451, 453–54 children of, 398 Louisa’s gift of washbasin to, 443–44 Adams, Abigail (mother of JQA), 2,
3, 5, 125, 127, 158, 174, 202, 299, 404, 429, 433, 441, 446 Catherine Johnson and, 132 death of, 265, 278, 282 Frazier and, 36, 64 JQA and, 3, 32, 35–38, 57, 69, 92, 113–14, 127, 136, 137, 172, 179, 186, 190–91, 197, 242 Louisa and, 63–64, 106–8, 131–33, 135, 139, 144, 152, 154–55, 161, 173–74, 193, 197, 232–34, 236–37, 239–40, 242, 244, 247, 248, 250, 252, 263–65, 271, 277 Louisa’s meeting of, 123–24, 131–33 political power of, 99, 100 in raising of Louisa’s children, 154–55, 158 return to Quincy, 132–33 Adams, Arthur (son of Charles), 446, 448 Adams, Charles (brother of JQA), 36, 81 death of, 114, 115, 133, 150 Adams, Charles Francis (son), 7, 51, 186, 188, 194, 235, 281, 293, 299, 308, 315–17, 327, 328, 330, 340, 341, 345, 346, 352, 355, 357–59, 363, 370, 375, 379, 381–83, 385–90, 395, 397, 398, 404, 421, 426, 428, 429, 438–40, 445, 446, 448, 451 and ball for Jackson, 312, 313 birth of, 157 character of, 204, 315 children of, 398 diary of, 352–53, 355, 388–90, 404, 406, 455 education of, 237, 240–42, 258–59, 278–80, 293, 315 on George, 352–53 George’s child and, 388 John’s death and, 406, 407 in journey across Europe, 6, 213–14, 224–26, 234 Louisa’s death and, 454–55 marriage of, 387 Mary Hellen and, 316 in Paris, 232, 233 physical appearance of, 204 as presidential nominee, 444 in Russia, 165, 169, 199, 203–6, 208 on Thomas, 344 Adams, Elizabeth (daughter of Thomas), 345, 415–18, 454 Adams, Georgeanna Frances “Fanny” (daughter of John Adams II), 390, 392, 395, 398, 406 death of, 439 Adams, George Washington (son), 124, 126–29, 135, 136, 141, 149–51, 153, 154–55, 157, 158, 188, 241, 242, 281–83, 293, 307, 320, 338–40, 343, 347–48, 349–55, 358, 370, 371, 380, 382–83, 391, 396, 401 birth of, 118–19, 123 character of, 234–35, 316, 347, 349, 352–53 Charles on, 352–53 child fathered by, 388 death of, 383–87, 389, 390, 393–94, 397, 399, 401 debts of, 388 diary of, 350–51 education of, 237–38, 258–59, 278–80, 293, 316, 349 in England, 236, 240 illnesses of, 352–55, 363 John Adams’s death and, 347, 350, 352 JQA and, 349, 352 and JQA’s appointment to Russia, 164–66, 187, 196, 202, 349, 351 law studies of, 316, 350, 351 Mary Hellen and, 316, 352 physical appearance of, 234–35, 351 poem by, 385–86 reunited with parents in London, 234–35 Adams, Hannah, 437 Adams, Henry (son of Charles), 51–52, 447, 448 Adams, John (father of JQA), 2, 3, 7, 16, 34, 99, 105, 125, 127, 142, 174, 260, 268, 270, 299, 315, 332, 365 Abigail’s death and, 282 Abigail’s political power and, 99, 100 death of, 342–44, 347, 350, 352 Discourses on Davila, 283 elected president, 61, 65 failing health of, 339 grandson George and, 347, 349, 350, 352 grandson John and, 241 house and land of, 343–47, 395 Jefferson and, 114, 115, 146, 160 Joshua Johnson and, 337 JQA and, 3, 13, 33–37, 56–57, 62, 113–15, 136, 137, 142, 161, 191, 347 JQA assigned to Prussia by, 75–76 and JQA in Senate, 148 JQA summoned back to U.S. by, 118 Louisa and, 63, 64–65, 107, 108, 260, 262, 267, 271, 274, 277, 282, 288, 294, 307 Louisa’s meeting of, 123–24, 131 in presidential election of 1800, 114, 115, 132, 146 return to Quincy, 132–33 slaves and, 288 Thomas Johnson and, 128 will and estate of, 343–47 Adams, John, Sr. (grandfather of JQA), 343 Adams, John II (son), 141, 149, 150, 153–55, 157, 158, 159, 242, 281, 293, 312, 318, 347–48, 353, 355–56, 358, 370, 379, 382–83, 388, 389, 392, 393, 395, 398, 401, 403 assault on, 359, 363 birth of, 140 character of, 235, 347 death of, 404–7 education of, 237, 241, 258–59, 278–80, 316 in England, 236 expelled from Harvard, 316 illnesses of, 239, 404 and JQA’s appointment to Russia, 164–66, 187, 196, 202 marriage and fatherhood of, 368, 369, 375, 382, 398 physical appearance of, 235 reunited with parents in London, 234–35 Adams, John Quincy: Alexander and, 178–79 aloofness and lack of social graces in, 179–80, 269–70, 276, 295, 296, 299 assassination threats against, 438 attacks on, 338, 359, 360 billiard table of, 381 books and reading of, 65, 70, 76, 104, 136, 206, 207, 238, 240 campaign biography of, 302 career of, 2–3, 13, 33–36, 61–62, 138–39, 147–48, 157, 197, 250, 252, 261, 401, 440 Catherine Johnson and, 41–42, 50, 53, 54, 66–67 Clay and, 201, 321–22, 338, 340, 358, 367 Colombia negotiations of, 331 Columbia Mill of, 387, 395, 405 congressional career after presidency, 392–97, 409–10, 415–21, 424–26, 427, 428, 445, 450–52 congressional elections during presidency of, 359 crypt of, 455 dacha rented by, 184–85, 186 daughter’s death and, 190–91 death of, 6, 452–53 debt and, 80–81, 343–44, 394–95 depressions of, 364–65, 375 diary of, 3, 32, 39, 41, 54, 77, 78, 80, 88, 89, 91, 98, 99, 104, 105, 110–12, 114, 124, 129, 137–39, 144, 150, 151, 154, 189, 191, 194, 195, 197, 233, 236–38, 246–48, 250–52, 269–70, 287, 299, 303, 311, 313–14, 322, 323, 330, 346, 353, 354, 358, 367, 368, 384, 425, 433, 442 dinners and balls attended by, 98 divorce and, 151–52 elected president, 319–23, 330–31, 370 Ellen Nicholas and, 248–49 embargo and, 160–62 eye infection of, 238 father’s death and, 342–43 and father’s house and land, 343–47, 395 Federalists deserted by, 161–62, 257–58 fiftieth marriage anniversary of, 447–48 first annual presidential message of, 339–40 first marriage anniversary of, 105 Frazier and, 36, 39–40, 64, 124, 448 gardening of, 357–58 Grimké and, 431–32 hand injury of, 238 as Harvard professor, 154, 165 Hopkinson and, 304–6 Jackson and, 3, 311–14, 321, 323, 359 Jefferson and, 160, 163 John II’s death and, 406–7 Johnson family visited by, 13–15, 24–26, 31–33, 38–41, 65 law practice of, 36, 55, 115, 137, 142, 163, 185 Louisa’s courtship with, 5, 26, 28–30, 31–33, 38–42, 50, 53–57, 58–65, 66–74, 75, 335–36 Louisa’s dowry and, 55, 69, 79–80, 149, 173 Louisa’s marriage to, 5, 75–83, 335–36, 394, 448–49 Louisa’s meeting of, 9, 13–14, 15, 36, 38 Louisa’s meeting of family of, 123–24, 131–33 in Louisa’s “Metropolitan Kaleidoscope,” 374 Louisa’s poem for, 242–43 and Louisa’s wearing of makeup, 107–8, 115–16 Madison and, 163 Madison’s old house purchased by, 275–76 marriage speech of, 54 memorandum on visiting practices of, 261–62 as minister to Great Britain, 2, 4, 6, 205, 232–33, 240 as minister to Holland, 2, 13, 32, 33, 34, 36, 41, 55, 56, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69 as minister to Portugal, 61–62, 64, 75 as minister to Prussia, 2, 4, 75–76, 87–96, 97, 98 as minister to Russia, 2, 4, 163–66, 169–77, 178–89 minister to Russia salary of, 171, 172 Monroe Doctrine and, 2–3, 267, 301 Nancy Johnson and, 26, 28, 29, 39, 40 Otis and, 257–58 philosophy and, 31, 279–80 Pickering and, 160, 161 picnic given in honor of, 433–34, 438 poetry of, 26, 242, 248, 249 politics and, 137–38, 268, 366 portrait of, 58 presidency of, 328, 330–31, 340, 347, 358–59, 364–67 as presidential candidate, 2, 3, 250, 263–65, 268, 269, 271, 272, 274, 295, 296, 300–303, 304–6, 308, 362 in presidential election of 1824, 319–23, 330–31 in presidential election of 1828, 366, 374–75, 393 presidential inauguration of, 323–24, 367 Republicans and, 161–62 return to U.S., 118 ring of, 358 Russell and, 296–97 as secretary of state, 2, 250, 251, 257, 266, 272, 301–2, 396 on secret history of Monroe administration, 302, 306, 440 self-analysis of, 150 Senate resignation of, 162, 187, 255 as senator, 139, 142–43, 144, 148–50, 161–62 servants fired by, 135 slavery and, 6, 143–44, 286–89, 366–68, 416–21, 424–26, 427, 438–39, 445, 452 stroke suffered by, 449–50 Supreme Court cases of, 163 Supreme Court nomination of, 185, 251 and Treaty of Ghent ending War of 1812, 2, 195, 197, 198, 201, 205, 236, 266, 296–97 twenty-fifth marriage anniversary of, 300 and U.S. treaty with Britain, 33–35 and U.S. treaty with Prussia, 113, 115 and U.S. treaty with Spain, 266, 287 visiting controversy and, 261–62, 276 weights and measurements report of, 266 Wellington and, 246 will given to Louisa by, 200 women’s public role as viewed by, 99, 100, 433–35, 438 Adams, Louisa Catherine: arrival in U.S., 123–24, 130 biography written for Philadelphi
a Evening Post by, 359–61 birth of, 4, 46 charitable work of, 260 Charles’s birth and, 157 childhood of, 4–5, 14, 16–23, 334–35, 337–38 children left with Adamses by, 154–55, 158, 164–66 crypt of, 455 death of, 7, 454 diaries of, 192, 194, 195–96, 203, 272, 279, 293, 306–7, 310, 396, 407–10, 421–23, 453 divorce and, 151–52 dowry of, 55, 69, 79–80, 149, 173, 202, 446 Drawing Rooms held by, 329–30, 359, 375–76 dresses of, 275 erysipelas contracted by, 174, 260, 267, 293, 390 family and background of, 4–5, 362 father’s renting of house for, 60–61 fiction writing of, 350, 371–74 fiftieth marriage anniversary of, 447–48 first marriage anniversary of, 105 first pregnancy of, 83, 89, 90–91 fortieth birthday of, 214 funeral for, 454–55 gender views of, 435–38 George’s birth and, 118–19, 123 George’s death and, 383–86, 389 health improvements of, 239, 244, 250, 382 as hostess, 2, 4, 137, 255, 257–58, 262, 267, 272–78, 292, 294, 304, 317, 329–30, 341 illnesses and frailty of, 102, 110, 111, 124, 126–29, 130, 132, 136, 139, 142, 149, 155, 162, 192, 194, 195, 233, 250–52, 260, 267, 292, 293, 308, 318, 323–24, 340–41, 353–54, 370, 375, 390, 401, 406, 454 John’s birth and, 140 John’s death and, 404–7 journey across Europe, 6, 205–10, 213–18, 219–27, 233–34, 258, 360, 361, 410–11, 422 JQA’s courting of, 5, 26, 28–30, 31–33, 38–42, 50, 53–57, 58–65, 66–74, 75, 335–36 JQA’s death and, 452–53 JQA’s family met by, 123–24, 131–33 JQA’s marriage to, 5, 75–83, 335–36, 394, 448–49 JQA’s meeting of, 9, 13–14, 15, 36, 38 Louisa’s birth and, 186 Louisa’s death and, 189, 191–94, 196, 204 Madison’s old house purchased for, 275–76 makeup worn by, 107–8, 115–16 “The Metropolitan Kaleidoscope,” 371–74 miscarriages of, 91–92, 95, 105, 110–13, 163, 185, 195, 252, 292 music and, 370 New England household of, 133–35 nightmare of, 192–93 novella written by, 350 “On the Right to Petition,” 435 philosophy and, 31, 279–80 physical appearance of, 26–28, 249, 275, 318, 451 poetry of, 242–43, 332, 335, 339, 342, 371, 386 portraits of, 26–27, 318 pregnancies of, 83, 89, 90–91, 110–11, 113, 117–18, 139, 155–57, 162, 181, 184–86, 250–51, 292 public presence in Washington, 2, 4, 255, 257–58, 262, 265–67, 270–71, 272–78, 292, 294, 304 reading of, 104, 136, 195–96, 240, 278–81, 333–34 religious faith of, 18, 19, 385, 399–402, 408, 409, 423, 439, 455 return to U.S., 251 reunited with parents, 124, 126–27 schooling of, 16–18, 20, 21, 158 self-confidence of, 202, 239, 240 self-doubt of, 7, 199, 403 sent to stay with family friends in childhood, 18–20 separation from family after marriage, 105–6 servants and, 22, 133–35, 239, 260–61, 275, 372, 373 singing of, 30 stillbirth and, 156 stroke suffered by, 453 twenty-fifth marriage anniversary of, 300 visiting controversy and, 261–62, 276 will and property of, 446 Adams, Louisa Catherine, memoirs of, 7, 151 “The Adventures of a Nobody,” 7, 53, 124, 130, 131, 136, 147–48, 166, 182, 440–42, 449 “Narrative of a Journey from Russia to France,” 7, 218, 221, 410–11, 415, 422 “Record of a Life,” 7, 20, 41, 77, 104, 332, 333–35, 337–38, 342, 369, 449 Adams, Louisa Catherine (daughter of Charles), 398, 435 Adams, Louisa Catherine (daughter of JQA), 188 birth of, 186 death of, 189, 190–94, 196, 204, 358 illness of, 188–89, 192 Adams, Mary Hellen (wife of John Adams II), 259, 260, 282, 289, 312, 375, 379, 388–90, 392, 395, 398, 401, 406–8, 421, 449 Adams brothers and, 316, 352, 356 daughter born to, 375 marriage of, 368, 369 Adams, Mary Louisa “Louisa” (daughter of John Adams II), 379, 382, 386, 388–90, 395, 398, 406, 439, 451 birth of, 375 Adams, Thomas (brother of JQA), 24, 32, 75, 76, 88, 92, 105, 107, 113, 114, 117, 123, 127, 135, 137, 139, 150, 259, 312, 343–45 death of, 388 father’s land and, 343 Adams-Onís Treaty, 266 Adams Papers, 8 Adelphi Hotel, 41, 77, 78, 123 Alexander I, Tsar, 172, 176, 184, 186, 190, 195, 202–3, 207, 363 Bethmann and, 223 JQA and, 178–79 Kitty Johnson and, 182–84 Louisa and, 181–82 War of 1812 and, 197, 198 Allen, Dorcas, 423–24 America, 119, 123 American Revolution, 2, 4, 16, 17, 22, 99, 138, 160, 291, 307, 332, 433 ideals of, and slavery, 286, 287 Joshua Johnson and, 332, 334, 360 Lafayette and, 320, 331, 332 Amistad, 438–39 Apology (Plato), 280 Apothecary Island, 184–85, 186 Apraxin, Stephan Stepanovich, 209–10 Arnold, Benedict, 22, 334 Augustus, Prince, 108 Austria, 116, 195 Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The (Franklin), 279 Auxerre, 223 Babet, Madame, 213, 224–27 Baltimore American, 383 Baptiste (servant), 213–16, 223 Battle of Bunker Hill, 2, 331 Battle of New Orleans, 1, 241, 309, 312, 323 Bayard, James, 197, 198 Baylies, William, 393 Beecher, Catherine E., 432 Benjamin Franklin, 383, 389, 406 Berlin, 5, 88, 90, 92, 95, 97–109, 113, 115, 118–19, 134, 136, 145, 173, 180, 181, 218, 219–21, 246, 360 Bethmann, Simon Moritz von, 223–24 Bezerra, Madame, 209 blacks: free, 144, 286, 329, 373 Louisa’s prejudice against, 421, 423–24, 430 as slaves, see slavery, slaves Bondy, 226 Bordentown, N.J., 294, 304, 307 Boston, Mass., 133, 136, 138, 139, 157, 162, 174, 259, 295 Boston Courier, 262, 392 Boston Latin School, 259 Boston Magazine, 436 Boston Manor, 246 Boyd, George, 362 Boyd, Harriet Johnson (sister of Louisa), 143, 156, 317, 452 Brown, Charles, 91, 95, 102–3, 111, 112, 118 Brown, Jacob, 296 Burr, Aaron, 145 Butterfield, Lyman H., 8 Calhoun, John, 198, 201, 265, 296, 302, 308–9, 331, 358–59, 365, 387, 390 Cambridge, Mass., 156 campaigning, 268 Canada, 187, 195, 297 Carlton House, 245, 246 Carroll, Charles, 45 Carroll, Kitty, 369 Carter, Elizabeth, 17–18, 22, 30 Carysfort, Elizabeth, 116–18, 236, 430, 437 Carysfort, Lord, 116 Castlereagh, Lady, 245 Castlereagh, Lord, 198, 236 Catholic Church, 16–18, 385, 400 Caton, Marianne, 246 Caulaincourt, Armand-Augustin-Louis de, 172, 182, 184, 225 charitable work, 260 Chesapeake, USS, 159–60 cholera, 401 Church, Kitty, 27 Cicero, 154, 202, 238 Civil War, 7, 417 unacknowledged war preceding, 423 Clark, Jane, 289, 425 Clark, Jenny, 368 Clark, John, 310 Clark, Joseph, 368 Clark, Rachel, 289, 368, 421, 425 Clay, Henry, 198, 201, 265, 286, 287, 295, 302, 308–10, 320–21, 367, 452 Jackson and, 321–22 JQA and, 201, 321–22, 338, 340, 358, 367 Colombi, María de Bodé y Kinnersley de, 209, 213 Colombia, 331 Columbia Mill, 387, 395, 405 Congress, 3, 97–98, 101, 186, 187, 256, 330, 358–59, 454 1826 elections for, 359 House of Representatives, 268, 273, 309, 319, 321, 322, 331 Jackson and, 309–10 JQA’s first annual presidential message to, 339–40 JQA’s post-presidency career in, 392–97, 409–10, 415–21, 424–26, 427, 428, 445, 450–52 JQA’s slavery petition in, 416–21, 424–26 Louisa and, 144–45, 265–67, 272, 273, 308 President’s House and, 328 slavery and, 284–86, 288 summer break of, 149–50 see also Senate Congress of Vienna, 202, 217, 219 Constitution, 268, 319, 322 Continental Army, 128 Continental Congress, 34 Cook, Daniel Pope, 322 Cooper’s Row, 14, 38, 54, 58, 66, 143 Corn Laws, 247 cotton, 365 coverture laws, 48, 432, 446 Cranch, Mary, 158, 164, 165, 187 Cranch, Richard, 165, 187 Crawford, William, 263, 296, 302, 308–11, 317, 319, 320, 346, 383 illness of, 311 Creeks, 331 Cutts, Mary, 451, 452 Dana, Francis, 90, 164 Davidson, John, 44 Davis, Jane Clark, 289, 425 Davis, Joseph, 425 Dearborn, Dorcas, 145–46 Dearborn, Henry, 145–46 Deas, William Allen, 33 debt, 80–81, 344 JQA and, 80–81, 343–44, 394–95 Declaration of Independence, 344, 417 Delaware, 366 Delaware River, 291 Delius, Frederick, 69, 78, 81–82, 106 de Quincy, Saer, 439 de Staël, Germaine, 151–52, 436 Discourses on Davila (Adams), 283 divorce, 151–52, 436 Dolph, Eliza, 388 Dorville, Miss, 92–93, 95, 103 Dresden, 113 Dupin (servant), 224, 226, 227 Ealing, 236–43, 244, 246, 248–51, 380 Edinburgh Review, 287 Education of Henry Adams, The (Adams), 447 Edwards, Miss, 20–21 Edwards, Ninian, 287 Elba, 217, 222 elections: 1826 congressional, 359 presidential, see presidential elections Elg
in, Lord, 103 Elizabeth, Queen, 433 Elizabeth Alexeievna, 175–76, 208 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 420 England, see Great Britain Épernay, 224 Episcopal Church, 385, 400 Epps, Elizabeth, 88, 91, 92, 119, 124, 128 Equality of Sexes and the Condition of Women, The (Grimké and Grimké), 429 Essays Addressed to Young Ladies (More), 21 Essex, 202 Europe, 97–98, 114, 195, 217 Louisa’s journey across, 6, 205–10, 213–18, 219–27, 233–34, 258, 360, 361, 410–11, 422 Everett, Alexander, 166, 322–23 Everett, Edward, 363 Farmer, Miles, 388 Federalists, 142, 148, 150, 160, 268 JQA’s desertion of, 161–62, 257–58 Ferdinand, Prince, 93 Ferdinand, Princess, 102, 219 Fillmore, Millard, 453 Florida, 195, 266, 301, 309, 398, 422 Foster, Augustus, 259 France, 34, 65, 97, 98, 105, 115, 116, 232 England’s conflicts with, 159, 178 Louisiana acquired from, 142, 150 Nantes, 16, 46, 335, 399, 400 Napoleon’s return to, 222–23, 225–27, 231–32, 234 Paris, see Paris Prussia defeated by, 116 Revolution in, 34, 87, 99, 152, 159, 226 Russia and, 182, 184, 186–88, 190, 191, 195, 196, 203, 217 Frankenstein (Shelley), 103 Frankfurt, 223 Franklin, Benjamin, 16 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 279 Frans, 87, 88 Frazier, Mary, 36, 39–40, 64, 124, 448 Frederick the Great, King, 92, 93 Frederick William II, King, 92, 93 Frederick William III, King, 93, 107, 116, 223 French Revolution, 34, 87, 99, 152, 159, 226 Frye, Caroline Johnson (sister of Louisa), 14, 15, 22–23, 27, 39, 136, 140, 141, 143, 187, 369, 406–8, 431 birth of, 46 Frye, Nathaniel, 342, 369, 383, 407 Fulling, John, 213, 223 Gallatin, Albert, 197, 198, 201 George III, King, 109, 237 Georgetown, 105, 106, 125, 142–44, 149, 151, 258 Georgia, 331, 365 Ghost-Seer, The (Schiller), 103 Giddings, Joshua, 426 Giusta family, 260, 355, 380 Godfrey, Martha, 166, 363 Gray, Francis, 166 Great Britain, 97, 116, 145, 195 Adamses in, 2, 4, 6, 236–43 American sailors kidnapped by, 159, 160, 186, 187 Corn Laws in, 247 Ealing, 236–43, 244, 246, 248–51, 380 France’s conflicts with, 159, 178 JQA as minister to, 2, 4, 6, 205, 232–33, 240 London, see London Louisa’s return to, 232–33 recession in, 247–48 Russian trade with, 178, 182 ships of, 159–60 Treaty of Ghent and, 2, 195, 197, 198, 201, 205, 236, 266, 296–97 U.S. treaty with, 33–35 in War of 1812, see War of 1812 Great Ealing School, 241 Green, Duff, 362, 363 Grenville, William, 34, 117 Grimké, Angelina, 429, 430, 438 Grimké, Sarah, 429–32, 438 Hague, The, 32, 33, 41, 56, 65, 67, 69 Hall, Joseph, 302 Hamilton, Alexander, 80, 132 Hamilton, Elizabeth, 151 Hamlet (Shakespeare), 354 Hanau, 222, 223 Harris, Levett, 179, 200–201, 203, 205–6 Harvard University: Adams children at, 259, 279, 281, 293, 315, 316, 349 John Adams II expelled from, 316 JQA as professor at, 154, 165 Hay, Eliza Monroe, 257 Hellen, Adelaide Johnson (sister of Louisa), 123, 143, 289, 317, 362, 368, 425 Hellen, Johnson, 123, 126, 312, 329, 355 as slaveholder, 367 Hellen, Mary, see Adams, Mary Hellen Hellen, Nancy Johnson (sister of Louisa), 14, 15, 24–25, 27, 29–30, 54, 106, 143, 148–49, 259, 289, 362, 400 birth of, 43, 45–46, 49, 362 death of, 185, 289 JQA and, 26, 28, 29, 39, 40 in Louisa’s dream, 192–93 Hellen, Walter, 24, 123, 142, 143, 148–49, 259, 289, 362, 406 Henry, Prince, 101 Hewlett, Elizabeth, 18–19, 50, 236, 437 Hewlett, John, 18–20, 21, 77, 236, 237 History of the United States During the Administration of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (Adams), 447 Hoffmann, E. T. A., 103 Holland, JQA in, 2, 13, 32, 33, 34, 36, 41, 55, 56, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69 Holzey (slave), 367, 368 Hopkinson, Elizabeth, 294, 317 Hopkinson, Joseph, 294, 301, 304–7, 317, 329 Horace, 367 Horace, 166, 169–70 Hotel de Londres, 171 Hotel de Russie, 219 Hotel du Nord, 227, 233 Houel, Lucy, 233, 238 House of Representatives, 268, 273, 309, 319, 321, 322, 331 Howard, Benjamin, 432 Hubbard, Thomas, 276 Hudson River, 345–46 Humphry Clinker (Smollett), 279 Illinois, 322 Imperial Guard, 225 insanity, 192 Isabella of Castile, 433 Ivanhoe (Scott), 279 Jackson, Andrew, 3, 302, 309–10, 323, 346, 361, 395, 397, 408 ball in honor of, 1–2, 3, 312–14, 317 campaign of 1824, 1–2, 310, 319 campaign of 1828, 331, 340, 359, 364, 375 Clay and, 321–22 elected president, 375 JQA and, 3, 311–14, 321, 323, 359 Louisa and, 1–2, 309, 312 in Louisa’s “Metropolitan Kaleidoscope,” 371, 372 presidency of, 387, 389–90, 396, 397 presidential inauguration of, 380 Jackson, Rachel, 361, 371 death of, 380 Jacobins, 142 Jay, John, 24 Jay, Peter, 24 Jefferson, Patsy, 17 Jefferson, Thomas, 14, 16, 17, 34, 80, 99, 126, 128, 137, 138–39, 142, 144, 396 courts hated by, 146–47 death of, 344 debts of, 344 elected president, 114, 115 John Adams and, 114, 115, 146, 160 Joshua Johnson and, 126, 146 JQA and, 160, 163 Louisa and, 146, 147 Merrys and, 146–47 Notes on the State of Virginia, 287 in presidential election of 1800, 114, 115, 146 shipping embargo and, 160–61 Thomas Johnson and, 128 Johnson, Adelaide (sister of Louisa), see Hellen, Adelaide Johnson Johnson, Caroline (sister of Louisa), see Frey, Caroline Johnson Johnson, Catherine (mother of Louisa), 4, 14, 16–18, 27, 28, 40, 42, 45–53, 77, 106, 126, 128, 134, 135, 143, 334, 362 Abigail Adams and, 132 background of, 51, 52 character of, 50 death of, 187 first pregnancy, and birth of Nancy, 43, 45–46, 48, 49 George’s birth and, 118 Joshua’s death and, 136 Joshua’s marriage to, 50–51 Joshua’s meeting of, 46–47, 51 Joshua’s relationship with, 47 and JQA’s intentions with Louisa, 41–42, 50, 53, 54, 66–67 maiden name of, 50–52 unmarried status of, 42, 46–50, 53, 362 Johnson, Catherine “Kitty” (sister of Louisa), see Smith, Catherine “Kitty” Johnson, Eliza (sister of Louisa), 143, 153, 322, 338 death of, 317 Johnson, Fanny (cousin of Louisa), 259–60 Johnson, George (cousin of Louisa), 387 Johnson, Harriet (sister of Louisa), see Boyd, Harriet Johnson Johnson, Joshua (father of Louisa), 4, 16–19, 21–23, 24, 40, 43–51, 61, 119, 123, 125, 128, 192, 332 as American consul, 14–15 American Revolution and, 332, 334, 360 background of, 43 ball thrown for Louisa by, 28–29 ball thrown for Louisa and JQA by, 77 business and finances of, 43–46, 55, 67–70, 77–83, 106, 125–26, 128, 136, 173, 336–37, 369, 395 Catherine’s marriage to, 50–51 Catherine’s meeting of, 46–47, 51 Catherine’s pregnancy and, 42, 45, 48 Catherine’s relationship with, 47 character of, 68 death of, 136, 143, 146 Delius and, 69, 78, 81–82, 106 house rented for children by, 60–61 illness of, 128, 136 Jefferson and, 126, 146 John Adams and, 337 Louisa’s dowry and, 55, 69, 79–80 and Louisa’s marriage to JQA, 55, 67, 69–70, 79–81 in Louisa’s published biography, 360, 361 in Louisa’s “Record of a Life,” 334, 338 Maitland and, 78–80 Martin Newth and, 46–49, 52–53 physical appearance of, 68, 126 return to U.S., 66–67, 69, 72, 75, 77–80 slaves owned by, 369 Trumbull and, 68–69 unmarried status of, 42, 46–50, 53, 362 Wallace and, 17, 43–44 Johnson, Nancy (sister of Louisa), see Hellen, Nancy Johnson Johnson, Thomas (brother of Louisa), 14, 123, 131, 251–52, 288, 292, 403, 407 death of, 446 illness of, 294 Johnson, Thomas (uncle of Louisa), 23, 360 Jones, John Paul, 16 Joseph Bonaparte, 294 Josephine, Empress, 220 Julia (slave), 424 Kant, Immanuel, 104 King, Charles Bird, 318 King, Josias, 323 King, Rufus, 295, 323 Kirkland, John, 355 Krehmer, Annette, 208 Lafayette, Marquis de, 320, 321, 331–32, 338, 339, 416 Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel, 102 Latvia, 215 Lay, George, 418 Leipzig, 221–23 Leopard, 159–60 Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 103 Litta, Ekaterina Vassilievna, Countess, 175–76 Little Boston House, 236, 237, 243, 251, 380 Liverpool, Lord, 198 Livingston, Edward, 395–96 London, 33–38, 75, 76, 83, 136, 234–36, 240, 244–47, 251 George and John II reunited with parents in, 234–35 Louisa’s wish to move to, 250 Tower Hill, 4–5, 14, 15, 17, 25, 26, 41, 42, 134, 136, 144 Louis XVIII, King, 207, 215, 225, 227 Louisiana, 266, 322 Louisiana Purchase, 142, 150 Luise, Queen, 94–95, 116, 175, 221, 223 Luise (Princess Ferdinand), 102,
219 Lyons, 223 Macbeth (Shakespeare), 305–6, 307, 439–40 Madison, Dolley, 147, 148, 166, 274, 275, 277, 312, 451 Madison, James, 186 elected president, 162, 163 JQA and, 163 JQA appointed minister to Russia by, 163–66 JQA nominated to Supreme Court by, 185 JQA’s purchase of old house of, 275–76 War of 1812 and, 197 Magna Carta, 439 mail system, 299 Maine, 286 Maisonneuve, Monsieur de, 183 Maistre, Joseph de, 180, 209 Maitland, Jonathan, 78–80 makeup, 107–8, 115–16, 277 Mann, Abijah, 420 Maria Feodorovna, 176–77 Marie Louise, 183 marriage, 48, 79 divorce, 151–52, 436 JQA’s speech on, 54 Martineau, Harriet, 285 Mary, Queen, 109 Maryland, 14, 40, 44, 45, 48, 49, 53, 54, 69, 78, 125, 306, 322 Mason, Jeremiah, 295 Mason, John, Self–Knowledge: A Treatise, 21, 31 Massachusetts, 347 Boston, 133, 136, 138, 139, 157, 162, 174, 259, 295 Cambridge, 156 Quincy, see Quincy, Mass. McLane, Louis, 292, 320 Meaux, 226 Medical Inquiries and Observations, upon the Diseases of the Mind (Rush), 192 memoirs: court, 333–34 of Louisa, see Adams, Louisa Catherine, memoirs of Meridian Hill, 379–83, 386, 389 Merry, Anthony, 147 Merry, Elizabeth, 147 Mexico, 452 Michel, Claude-Étienne, 225 Miller, William Lee, 426 Miller’s Tavern, 285 Mills, Elijah, 312, 313 Milton, John, Paradise Lost and Regained, 21, 31, 60 Mississippi River, 297 Missouri, 267, 284, 286, 288, 290, 365, 416 Mitau, 215–16 Molière, 299, 315 Monk, The (Lewis), 103 Monroe, Elizabeth, 1, 257, 261, 276–77, 285, 292, 329 Monroe, James, 1, 179, 261, 263, 276, 301, 302, 328, 331, 340 candidates to succeed, 263–64, 268–69, 292 clothing of, 291 elected president, 250 JQA as secretary of state in Cabinet of, 2, 250, 251, 257, 266, 272, 301–2 JQA on secret history of administration of, 302, 306, 440 reelection of, 264, 291 second inauguration day of, 291–92 White House and, 327–28 Monroe Doctrine, 2–3, 267, 301 Montagu, Mary Wortley, 21 Moore, Thomas, 318 More, Hannah, 21 Morel, Jean Louis, 215–16 Morgan, Edmund, 81 Morning Chronicle, 247 Morris, Gouverneur, 98 Moscow, 7, 188, 190, 191, 196 Muir, John, 17, 126 Murray, William Vans, 25, 115 Mysteries of Udolpho, The (Radcliffe), 103 Nantes, 16, 46, 335, 399, 400 Napoleon I, Emperor, 7, 65, 87, 97, 116, 159, 172, 184, 187, 188, 203, 217, 219, 220, 222, 224, 294 Continental System of, 178, 182 exile of, 207, 217, 222 marriage of, 183 Princess Radziwill and, 220 return to France, 222–23, 225–27, 231–32, 234 Russia and, 182, 184, 186–88, 190, 191, 195, 196 at Waterloo, 225, 236, 247, 294 Napoleonic Wars, 159, 169, 178, 187 National Intelligencer, 297, 387, 454–55 National Journal, 385 National Republican, 313 Neale, Count von, 220 Neale, Pauline, 93, 94, 103–4, 148, 174–75, 219, 220 Nelson (valet), 166, 172 New Bedford Mercury, 385 New England, 160, 295, 297 Louisa’s running of household in, 133–35 women in, 134–35 Newman, John Henry, 241 New Orleans, La., 241 Newth, Martin (grandfather of Louisa), 46–49, 51–53 Newth, Mary (grandmother of Louisa), 47, 49, 51–53 New Year’s Day, 445, 453 New York, 322, 345–46, 355 Nicholas, Ellen, 248–49 Nicholas, George, 241, 248 Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 287 “On the Province of Women” (Grimké), 429–30 Othello (Shakespeare), 425 Otis, Harrison Gray, 257–58, 274 Otis, Samuel Allyne, 142 Palmer, Joseph, 50 Panic of 1819, 308, 310 Panic of 1837, 398, 434 Paradise Lost and Regained (Milton), 21, 31, 60 Paris, 7, 97, 205–6, 223–24, 231–33 Louisa’s journey from St. Petersburg to, 6, 205–10, 213–18, 219–27, 233–34, 258, 360, 361, 410–11, 422 Napoleon’s return to, 227, 231–32, 234 Théâtre des Variétés, 227 Théâtre-Français, 231–32 Peabody, Elizabeth, 158 Peacefield, 133 Penn’s Hill, 153 Pennsylvania, 295, 296, 331 Philadelphia, Pa., 99, 124, 295 Louisa in, 124, 125, 129, 294–96, 298–301, 306 Philadelphia Evening Post, Louisa’s biography in, 359–61 Philip of Spain, King, 109 Physick, Philip Syng, 294 Pickering, Timothy, 160, 161 Pinkney, William, 267 Plato, 280 Plummer, William, 144 Plutarch, 439 Poland, 186 political parties, 308 politics, 3, 268–69 campaigning, 268 JQA’s attitude toward, 137–38, 268, 366 Louisa on, 396, 398 transformation of, 365, 366 women’s involvement in, 147, 307, 308, 432–35 Polk, James K., 419, 451 Portfolio, 139, 302, 435–36 Portraiture of Domestic Slavery in the United States, A (Torrey), 286 Portugal, 195 JQA as minister to, 61–62, 64, 75 Potemkin, Grigori Alexandrovich, 175 presidency, 3, 268, 269 presidential elections, 268, 398 of 1800, 114, 115, 132, 146 of 1820, 264 of 1824, 287, 308–9, 317, 319–23, 330–31, 362 of 1828, 331, 340, 359, 366, 374–75, 393 President’s House, see White House Providence, 390 Prussia, 2, 4, 75–76, 87–96, 97, 98, 195, 217, 219, 220 France’s defeat of, 116 U.S. treaty with, 113, 115 Puritanism, 400 Pyne, Smith, 454 Quincy, Eliza Susan, 154 Quincy, Hannah, 154 Quincy, Mass., 90, 124, 127, 129, 149, 150, 153, 174, 259, 265, 339, 343, 345, 346, 351, 353, 354, 356, 387–91, 392–95, 403, 405–6 JQA and Louisa’s post-presidency return to, 6, 387–89, 392 Louisa’s arrival in, 130–32 Radziwill, Prince, 107 Radziwill, Princess (Princess Louise), 93, 219, 220 Randolph, John, 145, 421 Randolph, Martha, 344, 396 religion, 432 Catholic Church, 16–18, 385, 400 Episcopal Church, 385, 400 Louisa and, 18, 19, 385, 399–402, 408, 409, 423, 439, 455 Second Great Awakening, 399–400 Unitarianism, 264–65, 278, 385, 400 Republicans, 148, 160–62, 268 Revolutionary War, see American Revolution Rhode Island, 331 Richardson, Joseph, 392–93 Richmond Enquirer, 1 Rumyantsev, Count, 190 Rose Hill, 128 Rush, Benjamin, 192 Russell, Jonathan, 198, 296–97 Russia, 116, 247 Adamses’ arrival in, 170–71 Adamses’ voyage to, 166, 169–70 American trade with, 178, 182 English trade with, 178, 182 France and, 182, 184, 186–88, 190, 191, 195, 196, 203, 217 JQA as minister to, 2, 4, 163–66, 169–77, 178–89 Moscow, 7, 188, 190, 191, 196 St. Petersburg, see St. Petersburg Sackets Harbor, 202 St. Petersburg, 6–7, 90, 164–65, 170–77, 180, 181, 187, 188, 190, 193, 197, 202–3, 246, 251, 360 JQA’s leaving of, 198–201, 203, 236 Louisa’s independent life in, 198–205 Louisa’s journey to Paris from, 6, 205–10, 213–18, 219–27, 233–34, 258, 360, 361, 410–11, 422 Sargent, Maria, 448 Schadow, Johann Gottfried, 94 Schiller, Friedrich, 103 Scott, Walter, 279 Scott, Winfield, 451, 453 Second Great Awakening, 399–400 Self–Knowledge: A Treatise (Mason), 21, 31 Seminole Wars, 309, 311, 398 Senate, 142, 145, 164, 266, 273, 310, 331, 358–59 JQA in, 139, 142–43, 144, 148–50, 161–62 JQA’s resignation from, 162, 187, 255 summer break of, 149–50 Seneca Falls Convention, 438 Shakers, 400 Shakespeare, William, 104, 136, 145, 272, 279, 280, 372, 397, 425, 439 Hamlet, 354 Macbeth, 305–6, 307, 439–40 Shelley, Mary, 103 Silesia, 113, 391 Slade, William, 426, 431 slavery, slaves, 143–44, 267, 284–90, 366–69, 372–73 Adams family and, 288–89, 366–67, 424, 425 antislavery advocates, 285–86 Colombia negotiations and, 331 Congress and, 284–86, 288 emancipation and, 286, 287 Frye and, 369 Grimké sisters and, 429–31, 438 insurrections and, 417, 425 Jefferson and, 146 John Adams and, 288 Johnson family and, 368–69, 421 JQA and, 6, 143–44, 286–89, 366–68, 416–21, 424–26, 427, 438–39, 445, 452 Louisa and, 143, 285, 289–90, 368–69, 421–26, 428, 445 Miller’s Tavern incident, 285 Missouri and, 267, 284, 286, 288, 290, 365, 416 politics and, 365, 366 Revolutionary ideals and, 286, 287 and states’ voting power, 264, 319 women’s rights and, 438 Smith, Abigail Adams “Nabby” (sister of JQA), 81, 129, 133, 187 Smith, Catherine “Kitty” (sister of Louisa), 143, 162, 193–94, 204, 208, 317, 407, 434 accompanies Adamses to Russia, 165, 169, 170, 173, 174 Alexander and, 182–84 marriage of, 186–87 Smith, John Spear, 180 Smith, Margaret Bayard, 147, 148, 273, 317, 320, 329, 376 Smith, Robert, 144 Smith, William, 24, 81, 133 Smith, William Steuben, 165–66, 193, 204, 213, 317, 407 Kitty Johnson and, 186–87, 193–94 Smollett, Tobias
, 279 Socrates, 440 South America, 265, 266, 301 South Carolina, 366, 433 Spain, 2, 195, 266, 309 Adams-Onís (Transcontinental) Treaty with, 266, 287 Spree, 218 states’ rights, 365 Sterrett, David, 24 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 428 Stuart, Gilbert, 318 Sumner, Charles, 453 Supreme Court, 128, 144, 149, 273, 439 JQA nominated to, 185, 251 JQA’s cases before, 163 Sweden, 195 Swedenborgianism, 400 tariffs, 365, 434–35 Taylor, Zachary, 451 Te Deum, 187–88, 203 Temple du Goût, Le, 16–17, 18, 335 Tennessee, 310 Texas, 266, 287, 422, 425 Théâtre des Variétés, 227 Théâtre-Français, 231–32 Thompson, Arad, 393 Thoughts on the Education of Daughters (Wollstonecraft), 20 Thuringian Forest, 222 Tilsit, 220 Treaty of, 178 Töplitz, 113 Torrey, Jesse, 286 Tower Hill, 4–5, 14, 15, 17, 25, 26, 41, 42, 134, 136, 144 Transcendentalism, 400 Treasury Department, 302, 434 Treaty of Ghent, 2, 195, 197, 198, 201, 205, 236, 266, 296–97 Treaty of Tilsit, 178 Trumbull, John, 13–14, 24, 25, 30, 68–69, 416–18 Tufts, Cotton, 154 Turner, Nat, 417 Turreau, Louis Marie, 145 Tyler, John, 425 Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 428 Unitarianism, 264–65, 278, 385, 400 United First Parish Church, 455 United States: European affairs and, 97–98 Russian trade with, 178, 182 states added to, 311 virtues and, 3 in War of 1812, see War of 1812 West in, 295, 297, 301 United States Telegraph, 360–63 Van Buren, Martin, 311, 366, 380, 387, 390, 395–96 elected president, 397 in Louisa’s “Metropolitan Kaleidoscope,” 372 Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 322 Vermont, 331 Ville de Bordeaux, 171 Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A (Wollstonecraft), 19, 20, 281 Virginia, 250, 307, 331 Vladimirovna, Ekaterina, 209–10 Voss, Sophie Marie, Countess von, 93, 94, 107 voting, 3, 268, 307, 308, 311, 366 slaveholding states and, 264, 319 Walin, Patty, 141 Wallace, Charles, 17, 43–44, 126 Wallace, Davidson & Johnson, 44, 45 Wallace, Johnson & Muir, 17, 68 Walsh, Robert, 297 War Department, 163, 302 War of 1812, 187, 190, 195, 205, 255, 268, 276 Alexander and, 197, 198 animosities following, 233 Treaty of Ghent ending, 2, 195, 197, 198, 201, 205, 236, 266, 296–97 Washington burned in, 241, 255, 328 Washington, D.C., 140, 141–42, 144, 145, 149–52, 153–55, 159, 161, 163, 174, 241, 255–71, 295, 354, 390, 395 British burning of, 241, 255, 328 Georgetown, 105, 106, 125, 142–44, 149, 151, 258 Louisa’s public presence in, 2, 4, 255, 257–58, 262, 265–67, 270–71, 272–78, 292, 294, 304 Meridian Hill mansion in, 379–83, 386, 389 society in, 145, 147, 256–57, 259, 261–63, 270–71, 273, 307 White House, see White House Washington, George, 22, 24, 75, 128, 334, 417 Farewell Address of, 34, 98 Washington, Martha, 35 Washington Orphan Asylum, 260 Waterhouse, Benjamin, 397 Waterloo, Battle of, 225, 236, 247, 294 Webster, Daniel, 322, 350, 358, 364, 371 Webster, Ezekiel, 364 Weed, Thurlow, 364 weights and measurements, 266 Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 225, 246 Welsh, Thomas, 388 West, 295, 297, 301 Whitcomb, Tilly, 88, 119, 124, 128, 134 White House, 327–31, 370, 372–74, 379–81 Louisa’s Drawing Rooms in, 329–30, 359, 375–76 Wilentz, Sean, 359 Winnull, Jane, 345, 355 Wittgenstein, Prince, 107 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 19, 20, 281 women, 99–100 coverture laws and, 48, 432, 446 femininity and, 435–38 JQA’s views on public role of, 99, 100, 433–35, 438 Louisa’s views on gender, 435–38 makeup used by, 107–8 in New England, 134–35 political involvement of, 147, 307, 308, 432–35 rights of, 281, 415, 427–35, 438 voting and, 307 Young, Miss, 20–21, 117, 430, 437 Looking for more? Visit for more about this author and a complete list of their books. Discover your next great read!